Mulanje is the tallest mountain in Malawi and belongs to the World Country High Points Challenge peak list.
The mountain is 9,849 feet above sea level at the highest Sapitwa peak. It is located east of Blantyre and surrounded by the plains of Chiradzulu. The mountain climate is suitable for tea-growing and the region is made up of deep forest ravines.
The Mulanje massif is made up of erosion-resistant igneous rock that is thought to have been formed about 130 million years ago.
There is a thriving timber industry along the forested slopes of Mt. Mulanje. Native plant species include the Mulanje cypress (Widdringtonia whytei) which is currently endangered due to heavy logging.
Mt. Nakodzwe is the second-highest peak in Malawi at 9,466 feet. It is located in the southern region of Malawi in Mulanje district. It is near Mulanje forest reserve.
Dzole is the third highest peak at 8,928 feet. It is located in the southern region of Mulanje district. Mount Dzole is protected under Mulanje forest reserve.
Namasile peak is the fourth highest peak in Malawi at 8,602 ft. It is near Phalombe, Malawi.