The Kafue River plays a large role in Zambia’s eco- system. It is a major tributary to the Zambezi River and is the largest and longest river lying entirely within Zambia.
Other tributaries include the Lufupa and Lunga rivers in the north, the Musa and the Luansanza in the centre and the Nanzhila in the south. Its course changes between slow flowing reaches to fast swift channels and mighty rapids.
The streams which feed the river often have sandy banks which are perfect nesting sites for bee-eaters while the sandy shores are often occupied by hippos, crocodiles, otters and water monitors.
Both the Musa River and the Kafue River flow into Lake Itezhi- Tezhi in an area that covers 370 square kilometres of serene water. The area is great for wildlife enthusiasts, fisherman and boating- fans.