Summerfield Botanical Garden

Summerfield Botanical Garden: luxury Manzini hotel, glamorous decor, lush gardens, top-notch service.

Summerfield Botanical Garden has been at the forefront of flora protection and nature conservation and we recognise that all people of all countries are dependent upon each other’s biodiversity and the loss of biodiversity anywhere in the world represents a loss to all mankind.

The impacts of ecosystem degradation reach far beyond national boundaries, requiring concerted united regional and global collaborative efforts and trans-frontier cooperation.

The overall objective of the development and growth of Summerfield Botanical Garden is to promote the sustainable use, conservation, appreciation and enjoyment of the exceptionally rich plant life of the Kingdom of Swaziland for the benefit of all people and for future generations.

Summerfield Botanical Garden seeks to promote sustainable development in the context of a balanced relationship between economic development, quality of life and environmental health.

Summerfield Botanical Garden appreciates the support it receives from guests who, through their use of the various commercial facilities introduced  and integrated into the botanical garden to ensure the viability and sustainability of the conservation initiative, are in fact indirectly contributing to the important, urgent and significant task of protecting and promoting nature conservation and biodiversity in the region.

Despite unprecedented economic challenges, we remain steadfast to the call and loyal to the cause of nature conservation.

As a recognized ‘Not For Profit Or Gain’ initiative registered through legal notice no.81 of 2008, our success is not defined in financial terms, but is defined rather by our successes achieved in the cause of environmental conservation through our flora development and cultivation programmes, taking responsibility for our natural environment and playing an active role in the protection, conservation and remediation of our global ecosystem.

In our quest to foster awareness, sensitize and educate the public, we have continued to promote and uphold the idea of travel with a conscience, i.e. ‘Responsible Tourism’.

Discerning travelers today aspire to and embrace the principles of ‘responsible tourism’ and are keen to lend their support to initiatives that share the same values.

By integrating these socially responsible core values into the essence and ethos of Summerfield Botanical Garden, we are able to go beyond just providing an idyllic setting and exemplary service, we are indeed inspired & empowered to make a difference and take meaningful strides in combating the decimation of our natural flora and the degradation of the Earth’s natural environment.

It is therefore as a result of the public’s support and enjoyment of the facilities at Summerfield Botanical Garden and patronage of the Boutique Hotel that we are able and better equipped to conserve our world’s biological diversity and build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature.

Summerfield Botanical Garden invites you to enjoy the gardens and to join us in celebrating nature’s extraordinary gifts.

We encourage you to spend a while ensconced in the effortless luxury, elegance and deep-cushion comfort of its unique boutique hotel where luxury ‘thrives’… and ‘strives’ to give back to mother Earth and the urgent cause of nature and flora conservation.